your future in your hands

•Two types of path in life :- 1st path select everyone and 2nd path select rare people's.
90% people select 1st path , only 10% people select 2nd path way .
*You select your path by yourself.
*Your present made your past and the past always see in future , so future depends on past .
*Make your own rules.
*Leave the people who take you in wrong path .
*God give them brain for thinking , so used brain not heart for anything.
1st path :- people select simple life . First go to school and always depend on parents , never want to learn how their parents hard to work , always fun , blind trust to everyone but don't in our family , nights out , waste of parents money , fall in fake love in small age , drop out the school and college , don't focus on career , bullying others , select worng friends , drink alcohol and smoking , parties with friends , she /he made alot of boyfriends/ girlfriends , made ourself as a gold digger , don't prayer , don't believe in God , break the rules , don't respect elders , speak lies , try to speak sugar coated .
All the mistakes do and blame the parents and God . 
2nd :- who people select difficult life . 2nd path people are totally opposite to 1st path peoples . First go to school and understand what's right and what's wrong in very young age . Never break rules . Respect elders , love ourself , beleive in God , left the friends who is negative for our , attend all classes never go to bunk , learn proper , made ourself is multi talented , play games at home , time spend with family , take care of our family , want to do many things and try ever , save our money for right things , never used to drink alcohol and smoke , always eat healthy , loves animals , live with nature , never going to parties with friends , never fall in love in teenage years , select one guy / girl for marriage and live with them at the rest of life , always speak truth , focus on career .
Never blame anyone for lost but they never lost anything and less ego , and always trust or believe in God .
Your future in your hand 
